Giving me the warmest glow I identified thoroughly with them and their vision and their writing gave off a kind of impassioned heat that comes from the energy of people who have their smarts about them instinctively regardless of how inexperienced they themselves may be. A cliche I know, but some weeks it really did seem that sparks were flying off the paper. Equally I am at a loss to express how much I hung on the words and thoughts from those young and rebellious journalists who at the time breathed something like fire into their weekly articles that featured in the NME. I cannot tell you how much I valued the arrival of a Thursday morning when on the way to school it was possible to buy a copy of that week’s “gospel”. Rock music more than a passion was a religion for me, and being so the weekly New Musical Express was looked on as a heavenly dispatch. Let me explain.Īs a teenager like many others in Glasgow who had discovered the soul searing, liberating force of rock n roll, I had become a devotee to the sound of crashing drums, electric basses and fuzzy guitars. In fact it was the written word that did it for me. Or was it that tough/vulnerable look that gets copied every few months by another wannabe? Not at all! Ironically, all that would follow later as fate would have it. Being more impressed by the value of the work of a humble street cleaner than any self proclaimed music industry mogul, Chrissie stands miles apart from even the smallest hint of pretension and is wholesomely unable to put up with bullshit whatever direction it is coming from.Īll that apart so what was it with Chrissie that first hooked me in? Was it that utterly wonderful voice that makes so many others swoon. I am hardly alone in my admiration and even artist’s such as Dylan, Springsteen, Neil Young, Patti, U2 to name but a few, all look on her as one of the greats! Good as any and miles better than most, it is above all her humility that makes her different from so much of the pack. Because she is after all a complete one-off!
#The pretenders last of the independents full
In any case anyone really wishing to know more about the real Chrissie has to do no more than listen to her body of work, for that is where her genuine character is lain open, bare, and full of honesty for you to either love or hate. And as it should be, Chrissie after all is an intensely private person and I respect that. In terms of further personal revelations that is about it I am afraid. I was of course married to Chrissie for some years during the 80’s, we also have a grown up daughter that we both adore.
All it takes is a little more patience perhaps! Well perhaps that and a little help from Charlie Burchill to make things go even smoother, Chrissie was always a big fan of Charlie. Somehow I am confident that I will get my chance, when the moment is right that is – and if the right song appears. To this day she is still one of the few artists that I would like to record with and I usually verify that whenever the question is asked. Chrissie Hynde (The Last Of The Great Independents)Īll of the artists I admire very few impress me more than Chrissie Hynde of the Pretenders. W 2005 zespół został wprowadzony do Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Get Closed, Last of Independents, Viva el Amor. Wkrótce formację opuścili Honeyman–Scott i Farndon, a w 1984 roku na rynku pojawił się album Learning to Crawl. Po roku został wydany kolejny album – Pretenders II. W 1989 ten sam magazyn umieścił go na 20 miejscu w zestawieniu najlepszych płyty lat 80. debiutancki album został umieszczony na miejscu 155 przez magazyn Rolling Stone na liście 500 najlepszych albumów wszech czasów. Pretenders znalazł się na liście najlepszych albumów wszech czasów kanału telewizjnego VH1 (miejsce 52). Po kilku singlach, w roku 1980 wydali pierwszy longplay Pretenders, entuzjastycznie przyjęty przez publiczność oraz krytyków. Zespół od początku miał charakter rockowy, na pograniczu nowej fali. The Pretenders – angielska grupa rockowa założona w 1978 w Hereford przez Amerykankę Chrissie Hynde, Jamesa Honeymana-Scotta, Pete'a Farndona oraz Martina Chambersa.